Constitution by VPFL Danzoooo
VPOL reserve the right to change or add any rules at any given time based on staff discretion
Section 1 - League Rules and Guidelines

1 Six players is the minimum number of players a squad can play with. Anything below that number results in a 1-0 forfeit.

1.1 Each teams rosters can be found in the League Info Section on the navigation bar. Each team must have at least 14 players and the maximum number of players is 25. During the season your roster will not be able to be reduced to less than 12 under any circumstances.

1.2 Any team found attempting to (or playing with) any player who is signed to another VPFL team will incur an automatic $3,000,000 fine per occurrence. To play with another player on a VPFL team either the player must be on the transfer list or you must have written permission from that players owner. Poaching will not be tolerated.
        The player are caught playing on another VPFL team will be suspended for two league games.
                The VPFL understands that people just want to play but it doesn’t take much to send a quick message to the owner of your team and make sure its ok. A majority of the                     time this rule                 is broken it could have easily been avoidable by just sending a quick message.

1.3 There must be a member of senior management present for each team in each game. If there is no management the other team wins via a 1-0 forfeit.

1.4 It is required that each team appoints a minimum of one Assistant manager to help out with general team duties such as stats. Each team is allowed a maximum 3 Assistant Managers.

1.5 Any team that is found guilty of fielding an illegal player will receive the following penalties:
The legitimate team will be allowed to choose whether to continue with the game. The opportunity to forfeit will no longer be available upon the scoring of a goal or half time if the game is continued:
- A two goal disadvantage will be incurred by the violating team and the game will be continued as normal.
Should the legitimate team decide to exit then:
- They will receive a 1-0 forfeit win but no stats will be recorded
- But If the Illegal player is found later to be a valid player then the team who opted out will receive a forfeit loss 1-0 (if the opt out occurred after the 5th min).
Regardless of what is decided the violating team will receive the following punishments:
- The owner of the team will be subject to a 2 match ban
- The team will be penalized $3,000,000

Section 2 - Gameplay Rules

2 Blocking the goalkeepers kicks is not allowed. This will result in an automatic 1-0 forfeit. These incidents must be recorded and the game must be completed and stats entered as normal before the recording is sent to a member of staff for review. Goalkeeper contact is allowed should it be during a 50:50 challenge. If the attacking team make a genuine effort to get out of the way of the kick and if the ball is given back to the other team should a blockage have occurred then no advantage has been gained and so no forfeit will be awarded.All evidence recorded must be sent to staff.

2.1 Any attempt to block the goalkeeper from making a save from a set piece will result in an automatic forfeit. This requires video evidence be submitted to staff following the completion of the game and input of stats.

2.2 Teams are permitted to leave the game within the first 10 minutes. Circumstances where this may happen include intense lag or loss of players.
In order to avoid lag we suggest that the game intro should be played out and not skipped. This also gives teams a chance to communicate and to avoid any problems with Rule 2.3

2.3 Any goal that is scored during the first 10 minutes will be carried over into the repeat game unless it can be proved by video that the team who scored were aware of the intention to back out.

2.4 Any Custom Formations are allowed.

2.5 The use of an ANY is optional and will be used at Owners, and Managers discretion.

2.6 Time wasting is not allowed. Any attempts to waste time such as holding the ball in your own half or in the oppositions corner or taking several short corners will result in a 1-0 forfeit being given against the time wasters. Evidence must be submitted to staff.

2.7 In order to reduce lag we recommend all owners should have a reliable American host every game as well as being set on the "East Coast US" region.

2.8 It is unacceptable for teams to leave official VPFL games because they are losing. The following fines will apply :-
- 1st occurrence - 2 points off the standings and a $500,000 fine,
- 2nd occurrence - 3 points removed and a $1,000,000 fine,
- 3rd occurrence - Loss of ownership and the team will be disbanded

2.9 When attempting to get into a game we will permit the home side to attempt to connect to the away side on three occasions. If a playable connection cannot be established within these three tries despite the home teams attempts to change their captain each time and to watch the entire opening cutscene then the away side will send the invitation. If after another 2 attempts a suitable connection cannot be found then the game must be played on the best available connection or if an EA issue across the leagues the games will be rescheduled.

2.10 When sending a game request to the other team the owners must make sure that both teams are 100% ready. Failure to do so may result in one or both teams being kicked from Fifa to the dashboard. This a Unwelcome delay and can be completely avoided by being in contact with each other.

Section 3 - Ownership Rules and Regulations

3 The VPFL requires all Owners to commit to being an owner for at least 1 seasons. If an owner wishes to break this commitment they face a ban for the remainder of that season and for the entirety of the next. This lengthy ban can be avoided if the owner can suggest someone from within their team to step up and take their place. In order for this to happen the suggested player must be agreed upon by staff.

3.1 The VPFL expects people who want ownership of a team to prove that they deserve a team by becoming an assistant manager and gaining experience throughout the league. Applicants who seek to do this are more likely to to be given teams.

3.2 Should a person be selected for ownership and that person is already on a team then that team will be refunded any fees incurred in acquiring the player. On top of this the team will be given a $2,500,000 “Finders Fee”.

3.3 If a new owner wants to buy his first assistant manager from another team, he will have to negotiate a transfer for that player. Each new owner will have $2,500,000 added to there account that is to be used to help pay for their first assistant manager.

3.4 Should an Assistant Manager receive a promotion to Ownership within a different team then he must attempt to trade for any players he wishes to take with him. Any attempt to poach players from the old team will NOT be tolerated. This is punishable with a $1,000,000 fine per player.

3.5 Any Owner who is promoted to replace a removed owner will take over the club and its current financial state. If it is deemed by staff that the club is in a worse position at that time than it would be originally then the club will be reset and the new owner will start with an empty roster and $30,000,000 budget. All the players who are on the team will be released when it is reset.

3.6 Staff members now have the power to negotiate deals for players on teams who do not have an owner. These deals will all be down to commissioner discretion but as a rule these deals will never be for less than 80% of the value of the player. This is done to try and help players on owner-less teams to get the moves they desire. These owner-less teams will not be left in a worse of a position by these sales.

Section 4 - Statistics

4 STATS ARE MANDATORY. It is essential that all stats are recorded. The stats that will be recorded are Goals, Assists, Passes Completed, Passes Attempted, Shots on Target, Shots Attempted, Tackles Completed, Tackles Attempted, Dribbles Completed, Dribbles attempted, Saves, and Clean Sheets, Clean Sheets also count for Defenders and CDM's.

4.1 All statistics must be entered by 12.01am Eastern on each game day. If a team cannot meet this deadline for whatever reason it is very important that they get in touch with a staff member or leave a note on the stats system or on the website.

4.2 It is vital that all game results to be submitted no later than 2 hours after the end of the final game for that day. This is to ensure the league table remains up to date. There are NO EXCUSES for not inputting at least these results. You can message a member of staff or post somewhere on forums the results but you MUST let someone know so they can be inputted.

4.3 It is important for everyone to remember the importance of stats for your team and its players and there eligibility for awards. If stats are not entered by Midnight and no attempt has been made to contact someone to rectify this then the following penalties will apply (no exceptions)
1st Occurence : $500,000 fine.
2nd Occurence: $1,000,000 fine, 1 game suspension for the owner & team disqualification for that weeks TOTW.
3rd Occurence: $1,500,000 fine and a 2 game suspension for the owner.
4th Occurence: $2,000,000 fine, 3 game suspension for the owner and a discussion with the commissioners about ownership status (adds on $500,000 every occurrence after this)

4.4 Owners/Assistant managers found entering incorrect stats (Entering better stats etc) will receive a $3,000,000 penalty per player, the edited players stats will be reset and the owner & player(s) will have their awards removed!.

4.41 The person who submitted the boosted stats will also be Subject to a Ban that is equal to the amount of players who were edited. For Example, if 2 players are edited then a 2 game fine will issued. This will come into effect one week after notice is given to the owner about the rule break.

Section 5 - Contracts and Wage Budget

5.1 When a team signs a free agent player there will be no transfer fee incurred but the team will be liable to pay $1,000,000 from their budget being the cost of a yearly contract.

5.2 When a player is transferred to another team the selling team will receive the agreed amount added to their transfer budget. The buying team will only be charged the agreed amount but this will be split into Transfer fee Minus $1,000,000 (being the cost of a contract)

5.3 When a player is released from his respective club, due to management posting in the player release thread, the club will be entitled to $1,000,000 budget being a refund of the player contract. This is the same even if the club traded for the player and paid more than this. The club forfeits any of the transfer value by releasing the player unless under extreme circumstances such as the player not being contactable.

5.4 When a player is released his value will remain the same but the player will still only cost $1,000,000 to sign from free agency.

5.5 A player who is on an active roster can only become a free agent if he is released from his current team by management.

Section 6 - Transfers & Transfer Budget

6 Each team starts out with $30,000,000 transfer budget and any Owner that lets their available budget drop below $0 and who doesn't have at least 14 players will be removed. 

6.1 The transfer window will be open from 10:00 PM Wednesday to 12:01 AM Sunday every week. This window deals with Trades and free agent signings.
There will be an additional Free agent window open each Tuesday that will allow players to sign free agents for wednesday's games.

6.2 If a player is moved within the transfer window they can not be moved again until the next transfer window and during the actual season no player can feature for more than 3 teams.

6.3 Prior to any normal trade deals being verified the deal must be approved by all three parties, being the player and Both Owners.

6.4 Once a Trade is approved in writing on the forums by all the required parties then that deal is set in stone and will not be subject to cancellation.

6.5 If a trade is executed within the transfer window, and both owners agree to cancel the trade you will need approval from the BOGs or Commissioners (special circumstances with a valid reason only)

6.6 Any manager has the right to remove any player from his roster at any time. This is done by posting in the player release section.

6.7 The transfer list is a huge part of transfers and trading within the VPFL and can be found in the transfers area on the navigation bar.

Section 7 - Loans

7 We will now be allowing everyone to loan players from other teams. The cost of the loan will be the cost of a contract ($1million) as well the agreed loan fee that will also be deducted from the budget.

7.1 Loans will last a total of one season but will be extendable on a per season basis.

7.2 In order to go through with a loan one of the teams involved must post in the loan section of transfer area. The player will then have to accept said loan before it is put through officially.

7.3 The default setting for each loan will be that the player is not eligible to play against his parent club. This is only a default setting and can be changed based on being added into the initial loan agreement as put in the rule immediately above this one.

7.4 In the initial loan agreement the team may also put in a future clause for the purchase of the player. An example of this would be that team A loan a player to team B. Team B could add a stipulation in the loan agreement that they can buy the player for $5,000,000. This means that at any point during the loan spell team b could offer $5million and the deal has to be accepted. This clause must be agreed upon by both teams in the initial loan agreement and is only valid for the length of the loan spell. When the clause is met the loaning teams acceptance is not needed but the player will still be required to accept.

7.5 Loans can be cancelled at any time based on both team acceptance to cancel the loan.

7.6 Players and Owners can now add players to the loan list. The loan list will be an added section to the current transfer list. This is an area where people can draw attention to players they want to loan out.

Section 8 - The Transfer List

8 The transfer list is the list of all the players who are currently seeking to leave their club or whose services are no longer required by their owner.

8.1 By posting in the Trade Block section of the Transfers Area on the forums an owner is signifying that a player is no longer needed and so that player is added to the transfer list. This means players are eligible to try out for other teams and can post in the free agent thread or in the team scouting combine (on threads made by teams) to find tryouts.

8.2 By posting in the Transfer Request section of the Transfers section on the forums a player is signifying that they wish to leave their club and so are added to the transfer list. This means that he is free to try out with other teams and find himself a new team. A trade deal must then be negotiated between the player and whatever teams are interested in him. These deals will not require player verification and so if you put in a transfer request you are not guaranteed to get put on the team you want unless you can convince them to make the best offer.

8.3 If a player is put on the transfer list by management then before any trade can be finalized both owners and player must agree upon the trade. If the player rejects the trade he will remain on the transfer list. Any player put on the transfer list by management is allowed to try out for other teams and are encouraged to find themselves a new team to sign them.

8.4 Each player on the transfer list will have a buy out fee and this basically means that the first team to meet the buyout fee will be able to have the player accept or not without the selling manager having to accept.
If Player requested to be put on the list then the players Owner will put a buyout fee and the first team to meet that price will get the player straight away without any approval required.

8.5 After a buyout fee has been decided, the buy out fee will remain what it is for a week. If the player has not found a new club by then, the buy out fee will then decrease.
1st week - Original buy out fee
2nd week - 10% off of the Original fee
3rd week - Additional 20% off of the original buyout fee
4th week - Additional 30% off of the original buyout fee
At the end of the 4th week the player will be released

Section 9 - Forum Conduct

9 Each person using our forum is expected to treat each member of the community with a certain degree of respect and maturity. Not liking someone does not give you the right to treat that person badly. Any person found to be continuously degrading people in a way that is deemed unnecessarily harsh may be subject to a forum ban.

9.1 Teams or management found to be posting new topics in the free agent pool advertising their team and offering tryouts will receive an instant $500,000 fine per Occurrence. There are no exceptions to this rule. These should be posted in the Scouting Combine.

9.2 Accounts with shared IP Addresses that have not been approved will not be tolerated. This will result in a 60 day ban from the website. (Shared IP addresses can happen from people making accounts for other members of their squad to make it look like they have signed up)

9.3 Repeated attempts to bypass the censored language filter will be addressed on a case by case basis and may result in a temporary forum ban.

9.4 Any attempt to belittle or degrade a member of staff will be seriously looked at and may result in a forum and game ban as well as a fine for the team of the offending player.

Section 10: Standings Structure

The top tier will be the VPOL Super League and will consist of the best teams who will fight it out to be crowned the number one VPOL team and receive the trophy as well as a further $10,000,000 cap room prize. These teams will play each other twice each season. 

10.1 The standard point system will be used. Win = 3 points, Draw =1 point and a Loss = 0 points

10.2 The team who has collected the highest number of points after the last game of the season will be crowned champion of the Super League. In the circumstance when more than one team finish on an equal number of points then the winner will be decided by Goal difference, being Goals Scored MINUS Goals Against. In the Circumstance where 2 teams have an equal number of points and Goal difference then the winner will be decided by Goals For. If still equal then it will be decided by a Play-Off Game. 

10.3 The Website has a Trophy Room and each season we will be adding pictures of trophies that are to be won in both the League and the cups. Championship teams will be given the credit in this part of the forum as well as each player on that team’s roster (who has played more than 5 games) will receive a credit within their profile.

10.4 There will be scheduled Champions Cup Games throughout the season. 

10.5 In the result of a tie in the knockout stage of a cup game. You will continue playing with golden goal in place, Stats for the first 90 mins will be the stats you record. If it is the first leg of a 2 legs round it will be resulted as a tie. If in the Second leg the aggregate is a tie you will continue playing with golden goal in place. The Away goal will be used.  

10.6 At the end of the regular league there will be a game called the VPFL Season Shield. In this game the champions cup winner will play the super league winner. The reward will be $1,000,000 and a trophy added to their profile. There will also be a game called the VPFL Charity Shield. This will be between the winner of the VPFL Euro League and the Pro Club Cup. The reward will be $1,000,000 and a trophy to be added to their profile.


ii SMOKE ZooTzZ: Anyone got a club I can join ?? Or try out for ready for FIFA 15 .. Aug 25, 2014 18:35:37 GMT
aztecas: Rip this league Aug 27, 2014 2:45:38 GMT
wwstevenww: Where can you see the standings and stuff? Aug 27, 2014 16:24:08 GMT
VPFL Danzoooo: Hey Guys, sorry the league taken a break while we prepare for stuff for Fifa 15. Have a new website and lots of big exciting things to announce very soon Aug 29, 2014 1:06:25 GMT
hawkeyenation9: damn wtf happened to this site.................. Sept 1, 2014 17:31:46 GMT
VPFL Danzoooo: We are taking a break while we work on our new purpose built website system and prepare for fifa 15 Sept 2, 2014 3:25:53 GMT
Solly l 26 l: Anyone running clubs? Sept 5, 2014 20:34:49 GMT
dontbescaredson: Can do Sept 21, 2014 1:46:31 GMT
sstrojan: Is this site alive yet......?? :) Sept 22, 2014 11:05:21 GMT
VPFL Danzoooo: Sept 23, 2014 21:06:59 GMT
bdub718: Well everyone good luck, times have been pushed back way too far for me working overnight Sept 23, 2014 21:56:16 GMT
vendettanl: is this a active website ? not allot of replies on free agents posts thats why i ask Sept 30, 2014 21:28:54 GMT
eVo Maldini 3: Hey im new to this web site i did play in vpfl but i broke my xbox so i got a 1 Oct 19, 2014 15:34:46 GMT
Charlton l 9 l: I signed up to this site time ago wen had another GT, are gamertags set on site? If they are how do i change it? Oct 23, 2014 3:52:39 GMT
jpj95x: Hello. Danzo you contacted me on xbox one. Let me know if this is working for FIFA 15 on the One. I can't be owner, not enough time, but I can for sure help as AM and trying to get people to be owner and stuff. Oct 25, 2014 5:01:37 GMT
Nexus Radius: I'm vack guys lol Nov 6, 2014 19:26:39 GMT
ivxepicx: 88cam looking for a club pass and play player message me on xbox IV x E P I C x Dec 4, 2014 21:26:31 GMT
fhmolotov84: I'm looking to get signed.. im a 88gk

im open most night

i have a mic

GT fhmolotov84
Feb 6, 2015 8:18:03 GMT
VPFL Danzoooo: Hey Guys, We have currently moved to WWW.VPFL.CLUB Feb 9, 2015 19:21:52 GMT
mesaguero16: Gt change Mes Aguero 16 to s Aguero i 16 l Apr 8, 2015 9:33:28 GMT
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